Central American University - UCA |
Number 93 | Abril 1989 |
Peace Accords: On Track or Derailed?
Just one month after the Esquipulas IV accords were signed at the recent presidential summit in San Salvador, Nicaragua has moved to fulfill its part of the bargain. On February 27, President Daniel... continuar...
Economic Reforms: Taking Effect?
"Sale: 2 pieces, 4,000 córdobas," reads the sign in the Tip-Top Fried Chicken restaurant in Managua's Centroamérica shopping center. Prices coming down—almost unheard of in Nicaragua's current economy,... continuar...
Human Rights: A Pardon for Peace
February 27 was a very difficult day in the life of President Ortega. He presented a bill to the National Assembly proposing a pardon for 1,932 former members of Somoza's National Guard who have been... continuar...
La Prensa Continues To Amaze Us
Americas Watch described it in a 1988 report as "outstripping what can be found in the sensational weeklies at supermarket check-out counters in the United States." La Prensa , Nicaragua's opposition... continuar...
Nicaragua Briefs
YOUR FILL OF FACTS With the new economic measures in effect, many things in Nicaragua are in increasingly short supply—including people's patience. The one thing that Nicaraguans... continuar...
From Separatism to Autonomy—Ten Years on the Atlantic Coast
"It has come to our attention that a gross misrepresentation has been made to you by the Spanish authorities, showing that we Indians have already agreed to annex our country ["Mosquito"] to Nicaragua....... continuar...
Just the Facts: Chronology of Key Events in the Atlantic Coast, 1979-89
1979 Nov: Formation of Misurasata (Miskitos, Sumus, Ramas, Sandinistas Working Together) as a mass indigenous organization
1980: Feb: Creation of Nicaraguan Institute for the Atlantic... continuar...
El Salvador
FMLN Proposal to Turn the Elections into a Contribution to Peace
The General Command of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) takes into account:
1. That the last five elections have not resolved the country's fundamental problems.
2. The... continuar...
Costa Rica
Costa Rican Follies
As the Oliver North trial in Washington revealed details of Costa Rica's covert role in the contra war, corruption and drug scandals at high levels rocked that quiet Central American country.... continuar...
Estados Unidos
US Policy: Economic Embargo: The War Goes On
US Secretary of State James Baker told congressional representatives on March 2 that the Bush Administration may offer to lift the nearly four-year-old US trade embargo against Nicaragua if Managua “moves... continuar...
EEC Applauds Central American Initiative
While the US government has enforced an economic embargo against Nicaragua since 1985, the European Economic Community (EEC) has continued to give aid both to Nicaragua and to the other countries of... continuar...