Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 96 | Julio 1989



Nicaragua or the United States—The Electoral Dilemma
In early June, the Bush Administration announced that it intends to conduct secret intelligence operations aimed at influencing the Nicaraguan elections next February. One State Department official... continuar...


Teachers’ Strike: US Fans Flames of Discontent
On May 25 the Nicaraguan government expelled two US diplomats, accusing them of collaborating with the opposition to promote destabilizing actions. The two were specifically charged with having attended... continuar...


Regional Commission Studies Nicaragua
Human rights and democracy in Nicaragua and other Central American countries have been reviewed at two recent meetings of a regional human rights organization. Gathering in Managua from April 6 to April... continuar...


Students Test Electoral Waters
Nicaraguans were given a preview of the upcoming February 1990 general elections on the nation's college campuses on May 17 and 18. In what has been called the presidential election in miniature, students... continuar...


Opposition: Alphabet Soup
Nine new parties joined the existing twelve when the National Council of Political Parties and the Supreme Electoral Council ruled on requests for legal status. They run the gamut from the Revolutionary... continuar...


HUMANITARIAN AID, INHUMAN RESULTS Despite the signing of Central American accords in February stipulating the demobilization of the US-funded counterrevolutionary forces, the war is not winding... continuar...


Just the Facts: Political Parties in Nicaragua
Here, for use in making sense of the upcoming electoral campaigning in Nicaragua, is a scorecard of the 21 legally recognized parties as of June 1989, including party name, principal leaders, origins,... continuar...


Nicaragua's New Media Law: Freedom and Social Responsibility
"This [media law] is technically superior to earlier laws. It broadens journalistic practice, and grants rights that did not exist before." —Edwin Yllescas Salinas, assistant director of La Crónica ... continuar...


And the People Rose Up; Testimonies of the Insurrection in Masaya
On the tenth anniversary of the Nicaraguan revolution, we invite you to look back at the bravery, sacrifice and pure stubbornness that led the Nicaraguan people to their victory. Here are excerpts from... continuar...


Spaceship Earth
"We are living in a phase in which we have to renew our thinking daily to be able to renew life on earth. First and foremost, we need to keep nature's economy alive. Only on that basis can the planet... continuar...


The Last Word: On the Expulsion of US Diplomats
“The diplomat in question [Kathleen Barmon] has publicly said in effect that all the unions affiliated with the United Federation of Honduran Workers (FUTH) are tools of the Soviet Union to achieve political... continuar...

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