Center of Reflection and Social Action Team of Mexico
Those of us in the region who have long struggled for peace would
like to add our voices to the almost inaudible but growing desire to:
o Cry for the dead
o Disavow vengeance
o Repudiate the war decreed by the United States against any other country or people of our planet
o Remind leaders that there will be no peace without justice and no justice without equity
o Reject all forms of violence, from the four walls of our homes to the ideological and military battlefields
o Condemn all forms of terrorism, including state terrorism
o Plead for tolerance
o Propose humility as an effective political tool
o Call all to the search for non-military alternatives
o Gamble on cultural biodiversity
o Express respect and admiration for Islam
o Note with worry that those who demonize, dominate, and decide the scenarios in this conflict are almost exclusively me
o Advocate the mass participation of women in international and national policy making
o Continue working to build a world with room for all
o Continue fighting for a civilization that is not controlled by any power or by the money god
o Continue dreaming of good and believing that it is not the destiny of human beings to choose the lesser of two evils
o Invoke the spirit of compassion and cooperation of Jesus of Nazareth
o Pray to God, the Mother and Father of humanity, to give us the gift of wisdom with which to build peace