Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 104 | Marzo 1990



Election Data

Envío team

Total registered voters - 1,752,088
Abstention - 241,250 or 13.7%'

President/Vice President
Total valid ballots - 1,420,544
Total votes UNO - 777,552
Total votes FSLN - 579,886

National Assembly
Total valid ballots - 1,419,384
Total votes UNO - 764,748 - 51 seats
Total votes FSLN - 579,723 - 38 seats
Total votes PSC - 22,218 - 1 seat

Total number 92*

*The 90 Assembly members are joined by any presidential candidate who receives over 1% of the vote.

UNO Alliance - total 51

National Conservative Party (PNC) - 5
Popular Conservative Alliance (APC) - 6

Independent Liberal Party (PLI) - 5
Constitutionalist Liberal Party (PLC) - 5
Neo-Liberal Party (PALI) - 3

Social Christians
National Democratic Confidence Party (PDC) - 5
National Action Party (PAN) - 3

Nicaraguan Socialist Party (PSN) - 3
Communist Party of Nicaragua (PCdeN) - 3

Social Democratic Party (PSD) - 5
Nicaraguan Democratic Movement (MDN) 3

Without Legal Status
Central American Integrationist Party (PIAC) - 1
Conservative National Action (ANC) - 2

Withdrew from UNO, but candidates remained on UNO slate
Popular Social Christian Party (PPSC) - 2

Other Parties

Sandinista National Liberation Pront - 39 (includes defeated presidential] candidate)

Social Christian Party (PSC) - 1
(is a Yatama member, per Yatama-PSC accord)

Revolutionary Unity Movement (MUR) - 1 (as defeated presidential candidate)


Region 1
(Estelí, Nueva Segovia, Madriz)

President/Vice President
FSLN - 66,960
UNO - 66,661

National Assembly
FSLN - 5 seats
UNO - 4 seats

Number of Municipalities Controlled
(municipal councils of major towns noted)
UNO - 18 (El Jícaro, Somoto)
FSLN 8 (Jalapa, Ocotál, Estelí, Condega)

Region Il
(León, Chinandega)

President/Vice President
UNO - 126,386
FSLN - 105,176

National Assembly
UNO - 8 seats
FSLN - 7 seats

Number of Municipalities Controlled
UNO - 18 (El Viejo, Corinto, Chinandega, El Sauce, La Paz Centro, Nagarote)
FSLN - 5 (Somotillo, Larreynaga, León)

Region II

President/Vice President
UNO - 209,527
FSLN - 168,071

National Assembly
UNO - 14 seats
FSLN - 11 seats

Number of Municipalities Controlled
UNO - 5 (Managua, Tipitapa, San Rafael del Sur)
FSLN - 2

Region IV
(Masaya, Granada, Rivas Carazo)
UNO - 135,117
FSLN - 110,090

National Assembly
UNO - 8 seats
FSLN - 6 seats

Number of Municipalities Controlled
UNO - 24 (Nindirí, Masaya, Diriamba, Granada, Diriamo, Nandaime, Rivas)
FSLN - 7 (Masatepe, Jinotepe, Cardenás)

Region V
(Boaco, Chontales)

President/Vice President
UNO - 97,911
FSLN - 35,081

National Assembly
UNO - 8 seats
FSLN - 2 seats

Number of Municipalities Controlled
UNO - 18 (Juigalpa, Boaco, Comoapa, Teustepe, Rama*, Muelle de los Bueyes*, Nueva Guinea)
FSLN - 1 (Paiwas*)
*The Central American Unionist Party, the only other party to receive any municipal seats nationwide, received 2 seats in each of these municipal councils.

Region VI
(Matagalpa, Jinotega

President/Vice President
UNO - 105,020
FSLN - 65,499

National Assembly
UNO - 7 seats
FSLN - 4 seats

Number of Municipalities Controlled
UNO - 12 (Sébaco, Matagalpa, Matiguás, Ciudad Darío)
FSLN - 5 (Tuma-La Dalia, San Ramón, Wiwilí, El Cuá de Bocay, Waslala)

Region VII
North Atlantic Autonomous Region)

President/Vice President
UNO - 19,253
FSLN - 15,044

National Assembly
UNO - 1
FSLN - 1
PSC (Yatama) - 1

Number of Regional Autonomy Council seats**
Yatama - 22
FSLN - 21
UNO - 2

Region VIII
(South Atlantic Autonomous Region)

President/Vice President
UNO - 13,040
FSLN - 7,256

National Assembly
UNO - 1
FSLN - 1

Number of Regional Autonomy Council seats**
UNO - 23
FSLN - 18
Yatama – 4

**National Assembly representatives also have a seat.

Region IX
(Río San Juan)

President/Vice President
FSLN - 6,709
UNO - 4,637

National Assembly
FSLN - 1 seat

Number of Municipalities Controlled
FSLN - 3
UNO - 1

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A Vote for Peace—Will It Come?

Election Data

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Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America