Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 4 | Septiembre 1981



Principles and definitions of the JGRN and FSLN Regarding the coast

The Atlantic coast is totally different from the rest of Nicaragua in culture, language, race, religion, politics and history. The revolution is allowing us to draw near to that diverse reality.

EnvĂ­o team

On August 12, Comandante Daniel Ortega, on behalf of the Frente Sandinista of National Liberation (FSLN)and the Junta of the National Reconstruction Government (JGRN), issued a declaration of principles regarding the indigenous communities of the Atlantic Coast.


To: The Nicaraguan people, particularly our Miskito,
Sumo, Creole and Rama brothers and sisters.
To: The people of the world.

Considering that it is the responsibility of the Popular Sandinista Revolution to provide a just and revolutionary solution to the legitimate claims and grievances of the indigenous population of the Atlantic Coast communities;

Considering that the aspirations of the indigenous population of America, traditionally exploited, oppressed and subjected to the rigors of a brutal internal colonialism, are now concentrated on the Sandinista Revolution, and that these aspirations must not be betrayed;

Considering that imperialism and local counterrevolutionaries are developing a campaign, both internally and externally, in order to discredit the Government of National Reconstruction and prevent it, along with authentic indigenous representatives, from finding creative solutions to the difficult and complex problems inherited from the previous administrations;

The Frente Sandinista of National Liberation (FSLN) and the Government of National Reconstruction (GRN) publish the present Declaration of Principles to serve as a guideline in our policy toward the indigenous minorities of the Atlantic Coast.

1-The country of Nicaragua is one nation, territorially and politically, and cannot be separated, divided or deprived of its sovereignty and independence. Its official language is Spanish.

2-In Nicaragua, all citizens have equal rights, without distinction of race or religion. The Revolution will combat all forms of racial, linguistic or cultural discrimination in our country. We support the struggle against racism in all parts of the world.

3-The Government of National Reconstruction supports the preservation of different cultural expressions, giving to the Miskito, Creole, Sumo and Rama communities of the Atlantic Coast the means necessary to foster their own cultural traditions, including the conservation of their language.

4-The Popular Sandinista Revolution will guarantee and support the participation of the communities of the Atlantic Coast in all social, economic and political matters that concern them both regionally and nationally.

5-The Popular Sandinista Revolution guarantees and will legalize, by means of granting titles, the ownership of the land, whether it be in communal form or in cooperatives, where historically the Atlantic Coast communities have lived.

6-The natural resources of our country are the property of the Nicaraguan people, represented by the Revolutionary State which is the only entity empowered to establish the rational and efficient tapping of those resources. The Revolution recognizes the right of the indigenous communities to receive a quota from the exploitation of the timber resources in the region. These benefits must be invested in works of communal and municipal development, in conformity with national plans.

7-Because the Government of National Reconstruction is convinced that an improvement in the living conditions of the people can be brought about only through economic development, it will continue to promote all local and national projects that are necessary for the development of the communities of the Atlantic Coast.

8-The Popular Sandinista Revolution will support all forms of organization that exist in the different communities in order to achieve the necessary representation of the Atlantic Coast in the social, political and economic institutions.

Issued in the City of Managua, Free Nicaragua, on Wednesday, August 12, 1981, Year of Defense and Production.
Free Country or Death!

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Principles and definitions of the JGRN and FSLN Regarding the coast

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The Atlantic Coast Area Of Nicaragua
Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America