Excerpts from the Provisional General Law Regarding communications media
Envío team
Article 1.a) Freedom of information, as an extension of freedom of expression, in mass communications is the foundation of the guarantee for the professional practice of publishing, disseminating, issuing, or diffusing news, ideas or opinions, and the recognition of the right of the public to inform, to express opinions, and to be fully informed within a real exercise of social responsibility.
b) Freedom of information is one of the fundamental principles of authentic democracy and in order to guarantee its complete independence the state must assure that the objective possibility does not exist to subject it to the economic power of any social group, directly or indirectly.
c) It is the social responsibility of the communications media to offer reliable news in an understandable context, to act as a correct reflection of social groups, and to esteem and give power to the common aims of the community.
Article 2. Protection of Social Peace, Education, and Culture.a) Public criticisms or critical commentaries, as well as all reporting work, must be founded on the pursuit of constructive ends, based on properly verified and objectively presented facts, and the subjects of the events must be informed.
b) The publications described in the above paragraphs must express a legitimate concern for the defense of the achievements of the revolution, the process of reconstruction, and the problems of the Nicaraguan people, and they must not be instruments of interests contrary to the people.
Article 3.It is the duty of the state, when it is necessary for the development and progress of culture and education, to foster and thereby assure that the communications media be a vehicle for the same. To this effect it is considered immoral and contrary to the education and contrary to the education and culture of our people and therefore it is prohibited to publish, distribute, circulate, display, diffuse, exhibit, transmit or sell:
a) Writings, drawings, recordings, pictures, images, announcements, emblems, photographs or other object that encourage vice, diminish human dignity, or are of a harmful sensuality or morbidity.
b) That use women as sexual or commercial objects.
c) That treat topics capable of undermining dedication to work, enthusiasm for study or regard for the effort that all legitimate success needs.
d) That encourage passivity, the tendency to idleness, or the belief that a person has no control over his/her destiny.
e) That contain premises or protagonists whose success depends on evasion of laws and of respect for established institutions.
f) That advertise alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.
g) That offend Nicaraguan nationality, language, and historic and cultural values in general.
h) That explain or display common criminal acts, above all those that involve minors or that have to do with the reputation of persons.
i) That utilize national symbols – names, words, and deeds of heroes and martyrs, patriotic hymns and slogans, and in general all the legacy of the revolutionary struggle – for commercial purposes.
j) That compromise or threaten the internal security of the country or the national defense.
k) That threaten or compromise the economic stability of the nation or its citizens.