Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 12 | Junio 1982



2nd Notice - A Message to Our Readers

Envío team

We have now completed our first year of sending you our analyses and information from Nicaragua. We now have close to 1500 persons and institutions who receive our bulletin each month.

We have worked to help you better understand the reality of Nicaragua and Central America. We have a position of independence that has allowed us to give an objective presentation of the current situation here. Also, we have requested and incorporated your suggestions which have enriched our efforts. The Staff of the Instituto Histórico Centroamericano has received a sense of satisfaction from the service that we have provided, which has been possible thanks to the dedication of a group of Nicaraguans and people from other countries who contribute their services.

We have encountered difficulties in publishing our bulletin because of a lack of sufficient monetary resources. We have asked for and received the solidarity and support of various institutions and friends of the Instituto, but because this has not covered the total costs, we feel the moment has come to ask that our friends who are using our material share part of our expenses.

For the current year (July ’82-April ’83) we have established the following scale:

Latin America - $15
All other countries - $25
Contribution of solidarity and
Sustaining support - $100 or more

In case some of our readers are financially unable to pay this fee, we ask you to send us a note indicating this situation in order to assure that you continue to receive our material.

We respectfully ask that you reply soon. Please make your check available to Father Alvaro Arguello (in U.S. dollars) and mail it, along with the tear-off (below) to the following address:

Father Álvaro Arguello sj.
Director IHCA
Apdo. A-194
Managua, Nicaragua

Tear Off-----
Language in which you wish to receive the bulletin
Amount Enclosed
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2nd Notice - A Message to Our Readers

S.O.S National Disaster Due to Flooding in Nicaragua

Some Important Aspects of the Nicaraguan Reality During May-June

Various Aspects Of The Nicaraguan Economy, 1982

The Trade Union Movement In Nicaragua

Interview: With General Confederation of Workers – Independent CGT-I

Interview: With Department of Information of the Nicaraguan Workers Confederation - CTN

Interview: With Director of international Relations of the Sandinista Workers Confederation - CST
Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America