Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 12 | Junio 1982



2nd Notice - A Message to Our Readers
We have now completed our first year of sending you our analyses and information from Nicaragua. We now have close to 1500 persons and institutions who receive our bulletin each month. We have worked... continuar...


S.O.S National Disaster Due to Flooding in Nicaragua
More than 80 deaths 70,000 homeless, equal to 3% of Nicaragua’s population $200 million in losses, roughly equal to 40% of Nicaragua’s export earnings from 1981-82 90% of land prepared... continuar...


Some Important Aspects of the Nicaraguan Reality During May-June
The events of the last two months are numerous and complex. We do not intend to analyze the developments in Nicaragua; rather, we will present the major events according to theme. We will then present... continuar...


Various Aspects Of The Nicaraguan Economy, 1982
Introduction In the October, 1981, bulletin we presented an interview with Xabier Gorostiaga concerning the state of the Nicaraguan economy. Now, seven months later, we return to that theme to... continuar...


The Trade Union Movement In Nicaragua
In the last three envíos, we have written about Nicaragua’s agricultural sector. We now turn our attention to the workers movement, their trade union organizations and their role in Nicaragua’s... continuar...


Interview: With General Confederation of Workers – Independent CGT-I
Exclusive Interview with Carlos Salgado Membreño, General Secretary of the CGT-I, General Confederation of Workers – Independent, May 22, 1982.... continuar...


Interview: With Department of Information of the Nicaraguan Workers Confederation - CTN
Exclusive interview with Alfredo Woo and Donald Espinoza, Members of the Department of Information of the Nicaraguan Workers Confederation (CTN)... continuar...


Interview: With Director of international Relations of the Sandinista Workers Confederation - CST
Exclusive Interview with Francisco González, Director of international Relations of the Sandinista Workers Confederation (CST), May 21, 1982.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America