Central American University - UCA |
Number 224 | Marzo 2000 |
Dora María Téllez: A New Option for the Left
The Alemán-Ortega pact has led to the birth of an
unprecedented center-left political alliance in Nicaragua.
What is a sector of the Sandinista movement doing in it? What are its proposals for the short and medium term? And what are its prospects? These are just some of the points explained to envío in a talk by Dora María Téllez, president of the Sandinista Renovation Movement
and one of the most enthusiastic figures
behind this new alliance.
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The Sao Paulo Forum held its IX Meeting in Managua on February 19-21, with delegates, mainly Latin Americans, from around the world. This body, created... continuar...
The Pact’s First Offspring
The pact has given birth to a new dynamic in Nicaragua,
but the future of its offspring is still uncertain. The coming months will tell whether they will grow healthy, remain runts, or pass into oblivion.... continuar...
Youth Gang Members: The Hand that Rocks the Mortar Launcher
The number of youth gangs in Nicaragua seems to grow by the day. What are their adolescent members looking for? Why do they fight? What unites them? Rather than breaking with the established order, these youth gang members actually form
their own particular part of that order and share the cultural paradigm of our times. We need to observe and interpret them with greater understanding.
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El Salvador
Election Results: The Cost of Government Intransigence
This account was written on the eve of the March 12 municipal and legislative elections, but the results were already quite clear. Those results in turn harbinger interesting new scenarios, with continuing progressive leadership in the capital and the chance finally to achieve a balance among the branches of state.
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El Salvador
Monsignor Romero: Impunity in a Still-Open Case
Twenty years have passed since the assassination of the Archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar Romero. On the anniversary of his death, the case has been resubmitted to the Inter-American Human Rights Commission. This document sums up the legal course of a crime that shook not only El Salvador, but also the rest of Central America, Latin America and the whole world. It clarifies what happened and demands a response.
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An Ethics for the New Millennium: The Just Measure and Essential Caring
For whom does the bell toll? It tolls for the global system,
now arrogantly victorious but fatally ill. We have reached the end of one kind of world. The humanity that survives will have a new ethics.
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