Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 42 | Diciembre 1984



Approaching a New Stage of the War
On November 4 and 6, the two primary antagonists in the Central American conflict, the FSLN and the Reagan Administration, were electorally certified by their respective populations. Daniel Ortega,... continuar...


An Inside View of the Elections
In March of 1984, Nicaragua’s Government junta appointed the members of the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE), which became the fourth branch of government. Their task for the following eight months would... continuar...


The Challenge of Providing Supplies
Achievements and Limitations in the Consumer Protection Law “There’s starvation in Nicaragua… Managua is a city of hunger and shortages, where people wait in one line after another for the tiny bit... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America