Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 104 | Marzo 1990



A Vote for Peace—Will It Come?
As president of the Nicaraguan people and as a Sandinista leader, I take pride—and all Sandinista militants can take pride—in the greatest victory, which today, February 26, opens a new path for Nicaragua,... continuar...


Election Data
Total registered voters - 1,752,088 Abstention - 241,250 or 13.7%' President/Vice President Total valid ballots - 1,420,544 Total votes UNO - 777,552 Total votes FSLN - 579,886 National... continuar...


Atlantic Coast: What Fate Autonomy?
While the whole world briefly turned its attention to Nicaragua’s presidential elections, an unprecedented electoral race in this country’s Caribbean Coast went virtually unnoticed. In the two autonomous... continuar...


Grassroots Power: Defending the Revolution
Two days after the elections, Daniel Ortega told supporters that, though the FSLN would no longer hold the reins of government, his party would go on “governing from below.” The message cheered grassroots... continuar...


NATIONAL ASSEMBLY ACTIVE DURING TRANSITION PERIOD While the FSLN and UNO transition teams are negotiating the crucial national issues of the Defense Ministry and armed forces, Interior Ministry... continuar...


After the Poll Wars—Explaining the Upset
Numerous theories are being tossed about among pollsters, political theoreticians and confounded laypeople alike in an attempt to explain the large discrepancy between the results of professionally conducted... continuar...


“Strengthening the Revolutionary Process”
Concession Statement by President Daniel Ortega Saavedra, February 26, 1990* ________________________________________________ *Original English translation courtesy of Barricada International We... continuar...


National Reconciliation of the Nicaraguan Family
Acceptance Statement by President-elect Violeta Barrios de Chamorro February 27, 1990 Brother and Sister Nicaraguans, Compatriots: We Nicaraguans should congratulate ourselves. This electoral... continuar...


Governing From Below
Speech by President Daniel Ortega Saavedra, February 27,1990 Nonaligned Plaza, Managua* __________________________________________ *Original English translation courtesy of Barricada International... continuar...


The University is Shaped by the Revolution
Rector César Jérez, S.J., Central American University (UCA), Inaugural Address 1990 Session March 14,1990 I do not think it is pretentious to say that this inaugural address is awaited by a... continuar...

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